"Angela Ingersoll's portrayal-crass, clever, and sexually manipulative-explodes off the stage in a shower of wicked pheromones."
-Memphis Flyer

Best Actress, Play
Angela Ingersoll, Macbeth
"Angela Ingersoll's portrayal -crass, clever, and sexually manipulative - explodes off the stage in a shower of wicked pheromones."
-Memphis Flyer
"Engle and Ingersoll are not only the cast's best articulated speakers of Shakespeare's verse, they are wonderfully compelling villains, eccentric enough to draw a few much-needed laughs from the blood soaked script."
-Commercial Appeal
"Ingersoll's Lady Macbeth steals the show. Her portrayal of Lady Macbeth's greedy ambitions and spirals will give you chills."
-Lamplighter Magazine